This is a temporary page to make it easy for you to view all of the different pages of the site to give feedback.
Select the page you wish to view below:
Developers Notes:
Please let me know any notes, additions or changes you would like. Happy to make any adjustments and get this up live for you ASAP!
A couple notes:
Episodes page is if you do every episode as a blog post. It will take someone making a new page for every episode. Episodes V2 is more simple where you just have to upload the YouTube thumbnail and then link the thumbnail to the episode.
The Newsletter and Contact forms currently save within the squarespace email system. If you use another system we can connect them using a third party - just let me know what you use.
Everything from the about page was pulled from different sources online. Happy to add / change anything as you’d like.
Everything is customizable - from font choice, to colors, design and even the logo in the top left. Built all of this as a starting point and can work from here.
You can email me at or reach out through Aaron.